Today was the first full day besides arrival. I honestly didn’t get the best sleep last night. I’m very used to my bed, Shopkins comforter, and pillow at home so it’ll take a bit of time to adjust. I really appreciate and vibe with my roommate, Celerina. We have similar viewpoints and she definitely motivated me to sleep earlier (she even helped wake me up at 5:50 AM this morning).
Food is my priority (apologies in advance). After eating some dinner last night, my other friends and I didn’t have the best expectations. But we were pleasantly surprised by the breakfast spreads. Soham, Anne, and I had a great conversation about inflation and costs since Soham is from India and Anne is from California. I rate it a solid 7/10. We got meal coupons for lunch today. We all went to The Union based off of Sunita’s suggestion. Around 10-15 of us got Zens Poke and it was very filling and delicious. I think I will ask Christine for her poke picture. The other half got grilled cheese. I can still smell Mandy’s Tomato Basil sandwich and the mouthwatering pesto. The dinner was also surprisingly much more diverse in cuisine. They had this sweet and spicy pork that Mandy, Jaya, and I waited at least 10 minutes for. There was also a greATE salad bar and it was nice to get in some leafy greens.
Onto the activities we did today. We spent 20 minutes walking around in the grueling sun. I’m from Illinois but I really didn’t expect Indiana to be SO humid. The building where we stayed the whole day was (i believe) The Agricultural & Biological Engineering. We received our laptops and then headed into a lecture classroom (no wet lab yet). It took some time to set up our Dells and unfortunately (no matter how hard I tried) my computer wouldn’t install Google Chrome. ^tears^ A lot of basic concepts, big ideas, and notes taken. I spent the afternoon in the Wet Lab Classroom. I have to complain a bit…The Tumbleweeds (Lab Group 3) has gotten the shorthand of the stick in regard to materials on our bench. Our password wasn’t working, our spin bar speeds weren’t consistent, no 70% ethanol (shoutout to Mandy, Colton, and Jerry for sharing theirs with us), etc. But it was still fun reconnecting with AP Bio Amoeba Sisters, listening to “Lab Rules”, and painting some Mike Wazowski.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MANDY!! I heard from Mr. Shorey that we got 2 cakes!!! Red velvet + raspberry chocolate. Will add in a picture of her before we sing to her. Currently watching Bridgerton .
Amazing (kinda) 1st day. Can’t wait to see what awaits us this upcoming week.