60 Degrees :)

If we’re going by the question of the day….today is cow day! Today’s question of the day set by the lovely TA Emily told us to draw a cow (definitely the best QOTD by far). It pretty much set the tone for a pretty relaxing day with a sleep in morning, a concert band performance, and an afternoon of pool, bowling, and hanging out in the lounges. 

But, more than anything else, this day was characterized by the gorgeous weather that has decided to bless Indiana this weekend. It was a glorious 60 degrees when I stepped outside at 9am, pretty much the coolest it has been for the past week, and the coolest it will be for the next as well. If you asked me the one thing I didn’t expect from this program, I would say the nearly unbearable heat and humidity that seems to pervade Bloomington. I was prepared for the work, the problem sets, the long lab sessions, and fast lectures. But man, I was not prepared for the sheer intensity of the sun itself. 

This morning though, it felt as though the temperature was the first in a slew of lucky occurrences. The second was the venti that the Starbucks barista handed me when I ordered a grande (not at all feeding into my coffee obsession….). But, I learned today that even I could not finish the 24 ounces of bean juice, and the rest has been relegated to our kitchenette. I spent the morning working on MOE in the computer lab, but even around lunchtime when I stepped outside to walk to lunch the weather was still sitting around a happy 70 degrees. The rest of the day consisted of a number of fun activities, our final dinner at our current tables, and to finish it off a movie night that created a pleasant atmosphere to write this blog in. I really owe it all to the weather 🙂

— Sarah L. 

Hi! I’m Sarah from Connecticut. I would say I’m more chemistry than bio but biochem is the perfect medium between the two. For my hobbies I love art, reading, and working on puzzles!