Applicant Home

Welcome to your SSP Application!

Revisit this home page regularly. Announcements and updates will be posted here.
  • If you have NOT yet registered for an applicant account, click here to register.
  • If you have already registered, click the menu to the left to continue.

Application Sections:

Your application consists of 4 sections. The list below is for your reference. Each tab contains instructions specific to that section.

  • Main Application Form: Provide your basic information (contact, school, family). Complete this form first. This section must be completed at one time (may be edited later if necessary).
  • Short Answers: Where we get to know YOU. You can work on this section throughout the application period. (TIP: Compose your answers in your favorite word processor to save a copy, and paste into the form.)
  • Academic Records
    • Transcript: Request official transcripts from your school (for 9th, 10th, and 11th grades, if applicable)
    • Please note that unlike prior years, we are not collecting nor considering standardized exams this year (including ACT/SAT/APs or any exams)*. Please do not share any exam results. Exam scores reviewers may see on application materials will not be considered. (*International students of non-English speaking backgrounds / countries will have the option of sharing only English proficiency exams.)
  • Teacher Evaluations: Request 2 or 3 teacher evaluations, and check your status page to make sure they arrive by the deadline. We must receive 2 evaluations, the third is optional. See the FAQ for our preference for whom you ask.
Your status page will be updated after the admissions office reviews each section of your application for completeness.

Application Tips:

  • Start with your Main Application form. This form collects basic information about you that will help us match your documents to the correct application.
  • Avoid using your browser’s autofill feature.
  • You do not have to complete the application parts in a particular order. You may re-visit and edit any tab at any time before the application deadline.
  • Check your status page regularly to confirm that SSP has received each piece of your application.

Application Dates

Application Opens

December 22, 2023
Applications Due

February 16, 2024, 11:59PM PST (GMT-8)

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