By Charis C.

Yes, those are my actual curtains I have been using since I was four, and yes, late block did all change their virtual backgrounds to my curtains. So to whoever is reading this, welcome to my room. My day started out in campus block. There, it was announced that the pride and joy of our team, Alex, won QODs for the week (check Alex’s blog for the unboxing of his prize next week). After we were split into our table groups, our group discussed the definition of islands (are all continents islands?) and continued to hate on mashed potatoes 🙁 We also started playing a guess the song game that took a turn when we made a member in my group think “A$AP Rocky” was pronounced “A dollar sign A P Rocky.” From there, the game evolved into a “guess-the-star-spangled-banner” rendition. Finally, we ended by guessing which public event Joe Biden was speaking at.
During class activity block, Dr. Jill gave an informative lecture on COVID-19 vaccines, FDA approvals and clinical trials while showing off her awesome ribosome t-shirt. She also made us read a section of a 400 page transcript of a zoom meeting discussing vaccines (half of which consisted of “you’re muted”). Today’s TA block was intense. We worked hard for 3 hours straight on part 1 of the research project. With occasional breaks when we would have visits from Andrew, Rishabh, Sai, Alor and William popping in to ask for help (the TA’s were helping other people :)).
Finally, we ended the night with Alex giving us a wonderful tour of his brightly lit room (he even has a neon chemistry thing #chemnerd):

So far, SSP has been a great experience. Though it has definitely been challenging at times, I’m so glad that I have amazing peers, TAs and teachers there to answer my questions. And on that note, that’s it for the day in my room 🙂