Author: Bailey Y.
Technically the day started with me working in the classroom on my M/P pSet at midnight. Then rushing to shower, in time to make the 1:30 am downtime, before I scale the bed frame to get into my bed.
Every day I wake up to the melodic voice of Justin Beiber singing “Baby” (I’m sure my roommate Vivian will come to appreciate being woken up by the voice of an angel as much as I do). Then I take my 5-minute mini nap before I have to hope I don’t break my ankles getting to the floor.
We had M/P in the morning where we created a new language! Dots and hats everywhere, because “no one can stop me” – Dr. Andersen
Then after lunch, many of my peers fight the sleep deprivation (never me though). As we learn about centroiding.
After the lecture is when it gets a little more iffy. I head back to the dorms, while many are hard at work on their pSets, to “nap” (scroll on my phone until dinner). After dinner, I return to the classroom to be a diligent student and get ahead in my pSets.
SSP has taught me more than I’d ever expected. Not just in the classroom though. Before I’d never known how to do laundry or manage my own time or even wake up by myself.
Bonus: SSP isn’t all work, here’s me getting a quick shoulder pump in with a block Tungsten
About me:
Hi, I’m Bailey! I’m from Mckinney, Texas. At home, I love to play pickleball, watch soccer, loiter at Texas Roadhouse, and hit the gym. At SSP you’ll find me trying to sleep before 3 am, pestering my roommate Vivian, or trying to decipher my handwriting.