SSP IU Biochem | June 14, 2022
Author | Sofia B.
Editor | Rex S.
That’s what I said when I realized I got into SSP: I was absolutely happy.
It’s also what I’ve been thinking since the first day of the program – just screaming out of desperation.
However, today it changed a little. First because I started getting used to the crazy routine and also because I was able to leave it for some hours in the afternoon and to have fun with my recently-made friends.
After a generous lunch at the cafeteria, we went downtown to get Boba Tea, which I never ever had before. So we rushed there, and we were able to fit about 20 people inside the boba shop. I bought one and, to be honest, the size was too big. Idk why anyone would need 800ml of tea. Well, that’s not the point here.
The actual point is:

SSP@IU Biochemistry 2023
Group #: ?
Members: Sofia
Date: 6/14/2023
Title of Lab Session or Experiment: Boba tea
Objective: Get Boba tea
Buy boba tea
Drink boba tea
Evaluate boba tea
I wasn’t expecting the taste to be so… weird.
It tasted like tea, but with milk, of course. That was the normal part. But the boba itself is just weird. I felt like I was swallowing a lot of tadpoles through a straw.
They even tasted kinda like tadpoles. With caffeine.
It was a fun experience, though. Maybe I will like more citric kinds of boba tea.
We also went to CVS, which was ok. I got an IU pin for my backpack and some detergent for my clothes.
When we were heading back to the dorms, some people decided to dip their feet inside the water string, and it was unexpectedly a great idea. The water was fresh and clean, and I felt in a scout camp again when I did it.
It probably had a lot of bacteria and weird microorganisms over there, but let’s NOT think about it.

After that, we went to Lindley Hall to attend a lecture about research resources. Truly, it was so enlightening! I’ve struggled a lot with a previous research I did with a professor in my school, and I had to search on the most suspicious and random sites everyday, And I never was very sure if I was researching in a valid source. Until today, I didn’t even think that this process could be so much easier. So, being able to find accurate literature online is definitely something that we usually underestimate. When I come back, I will probably promote an event with the Student Council and the Research Team just to talk about information sources and organization in research papers.
At night, there was just dinner and problem set 2. I brought some “Doce de leite”, though, because it’s my absolute favorite dessert, and I feel like the world should know about it. The 2 kg of Doce de leite that occupied my bag were totally worth it.
Unrelated topic: I have a hidden objective at this program, which is to count the squirrels and rabbits I see. Until now, I’ve counted about 13 rabbits and 8 squirrels. Maybe during the weekend’s picnic we will attract a little bit more animals.