Among Us SSP 2021 – Who was the impostor?

Author: Gerry E.

Welcome to Gerry’s blog. If you want to know more about yesterday’s impostor (the one who turned all the Abbys into Tanays), please read my blog. You will not find it at the end. I want you to read the thing. 

We began the day with terrible 😖😖😖 news: Michael forgot to upload the question of the day. I lost six precious hours of potential progress on the question 🥺. 

I felt betrayed, Michael…

Then, we had our first (suffering) OD session with Dr. A. Did I understand what he talked about? Probably not. But, oh well, we need to keep rolling’. We explored Kepler’s 2nd (or 1st, or 3rd, IDK) law. When we moved to the breakout rooms, Joaquin and I just kept rollin, rollin, rollin. We thought 90o=π, so you can imagine the mess we did. 

Not me using an aunt-meme to express a philosophy of life.

Next, we had the social hour, in which we watched a video made by the NMT faculty showing us their facilities. I was so amused that I did not take any pictures, but I can tell you the telescope is maaaaaaaaaaaassive. Plus, Dr. R tried to frighten us by mentioning the scary words “Astro pset 15”, but I think (definitely not) psets do not scare us anymore 😎 🤓. We are (supposed to be) big children 😜.

That is definitely not us with the psets.

Later on, we moved to the LaTeX workshop. We did some shenanigans with Overleaf, and then we fooled around, discovering interesting things about LaTeX. However, it was not as boring as it sounds; the pronunciation of LaTeX is in quite a dispute between SSPeers: 

When the 6 pm (my time) arrived, we adventured ourselves into the work/play block. The first hour was not that funny. My Leavenly Procrastibakers team (Jenny and Grant), Katrina, and I worked pretty hard to solve the pset that was due that night (yesterday?). Our mood improved when Grant and I played to the multiverse, leading to the following picture: 

Relativity at SSP (Which, if you happen to think about it, and analyze it with deep thought, The impostor was the Devil, relativity is pretty relative.)

We took pictures of each other’s visualizations and had a lot of fun. However, the real fun became with the Tanay vs. Abby movement. We had many people turning into Tanays, and then the Resistànce supported their leader, Abby. Nonetheless, a brave warrior from Tanay’s militia infiltrated the Resistànce and turned all the Abbys into Tanays. As it was expected, the Resistànce’s wrath increased, but they could not find the guilty. They were many suspects, but none of them seemed to be the definitive. I guess you will have to read this again if you have not who the impostor was yet.

Finally, (gosh, I was running out of transition words), my team and I went to a vc to help Grant finishing the pset. It was not that exciting, but I would love to highlight the following quote from Grant (imagine he is about to cry):   

“Repitan por favor” – Grant – 07/06/21 10:10 pm  UTC-4. (yes, he said it in Spanish)

I guess that is what you say when you feel overwhelmed. #PrayForGrant

Leavenly Procrastibakers Series 2/3 

Hi! My name is Gerson. I live in Guadalajara, Mexico (yes, we got the Mariachis). I have two nicknames: Gerry & Corgerri. They complement each other and show my greatest passion: CORGIS. In my free time, I love fighting against 40-50 years-old-people about politics, playing chess, listening to history podcasts, and watching anything that is Marvel related. As people in my country would say: Adiós!