Astro GCSU: Birthday + The Grind

Hey everyone I’m Alan and today’s my birthday. I woke up at about 8:30 today and quickly made my way to Herty for lecture. I was greeted with a happy birthday song and a surprise of unique art on one of the whiteboards in the classroom.

We enjoyed Dr. M’s lecture on his research about maximizing the efficiency of flexible solar panels. After the lecture, we visited the physics lab and workshop, led by Dr. M and Kaan (Part of the group was left behind and went on a search).

Dr. D had a lecture on the galaxies in our local universe; followed by coding time to finish our OD codes in class. 

During our OD code work time, we had Andria answer a scam call for 12 minutes, on his intel computer issue due to clicking on a link for free robux. He claimed to be connected on the “Method of Gauss” connection to his computer and had a “JD Date/Time converter” problem. He used the name Daniel Uzbark to refer to his identity and sang opera by the end of the conversation. Disclaimer: Sorry for the quality of the image (blame it on Gwanpil).

We had vanilla ice cream cake for dinner to celebrate Jasmine’s and my own birthday for the week. Ice cream cake is always the BEST. I definitely enjoyed hearing the happy birthday song 17 times throughout the day (I promise guys). 

At Herty, Pierre found out that using “import antigravity” in python opens up a tab about sarcastic comics related to python and other interesting topics (easter egg found!).

I’d like to announce a dishonorable mention to Ian (TA) for saying “what the freak?” during our time at Herty. Sai’s spotify jam was perfect for our on the grind session on Psets and coding. I found out that Michael tried attacking Andrew with compressed air to give him frostbite (I’m not sure which one of them were involved).

My day ended with a gift trading session with Jasmine (my birthday twin) as it was planned about a week ago from our trip to Walmart. I really enjoyed being with all these people for my birthday at SSP and it will be unforgettable.

  • Alan V.