Hi! I’m Sour from SSP GCSU and today was pretty interesting to say the least. Because it was a Saturday, we only had morning lectures–which I barely got to on time (Thanks Eduardo for waking me up at 8:15, 8:30, and at 8:45). Also, because I didn’t have breakfast, I grabbed a pack of yoggies from my room (actually three), for the amazing lectures by Dr. C investigating the different properties of ellipses and gravity.
After lectures we began our journey to the dining hall for lunch. Today’s lunch was 2 hotdogs and 1 chicken sandwich, a 2:1 hotdog sandwich ratio, really close to the optimal 3:1 ratio. At lunch we also learned that Taja’s dad’s best friend’s neighbor is Kendrick Lamar. INVITE US!
However, there was a tiny problem after lunch: I was still hungry. Going back to the hive, I was sad and distraught, so I decided to take my mind off things by playing spike ball with Aditya, Devan, and Pierre. We got cooked. Both metaphorically and physically. Playing spike ball on an incline under a tree without an actual spike ball is not the play…
After going back into the hive, we finished watching inside out 2 😭 and started watching Hamilton. At 3 PM (thank you Dr. Ice you’re the best), we all met up at the corner of our perimeter to head downtown. I had three objectives: buy skincare, eat food, and to NOT be late.
We went to CVS. Looking through a plethora of different options, I picked the perfect lotions and cleansers and left with Darnell, Eduardo, Andrew, Sahil, and Kal to go to the “underground spot”. But before we went, we made a quick pit stop at a Korean convenience store where I learned about Michael’s addiction to banana milk which is why I bought a 6-pack of them.
To the underground we went…and it did not disappoint. We ordered wings, and 5 entrees, which we shared among the group–while watching a Braves game on the TV behind us.
Objective 2 complete! No more hunger, at least for the next hour. When we finished paying our bill, it was 4:45 which gave us 15 minutes of leeway to walk back into the campus. Learning from my past mistakes, I didn’t waste any time and waved hi to Dr. Ice coming back to campus–Third Objective Done!
We relaxed in the Hive for 30 minutes before heading to dinner, where I decided to get a rice-filled pepper which tasted… interesting. They also gave us free chicken we could take back to the dorms!
We went back to Herty to work on our PSETS (no lecture from me today because I was tired)
And I have the late night observation session tonight….
Thanks to everyone here at SSP for making this such a fun experience!