Hello everyone, the day that was supposed to start at 8:40 started at 7:30 thanks to one of my suitemates’ addiction to listening to loud pop music in the shower; this day also happened to be my birthday – so happy birthday to me! After lying half-awake on the bed for an hour, Andrew, my suitemate; Pranav, my roommate; and I went to get a well deserved breakfast. After delicately consuming our well deserved bananas, we headed back to Herty for a lecture. We didn’t know exactly what to expect as the schedule was a little different than usual since we had a guest speaker visiting us and a lot of work to do on the report.
Nevertheless, there was no better way to start the day than Dr. M’s E&M lecture; we went through Biot Savart Law (Bee-oh Suh-var according to Pierre – the French guy) and magnetism in general. Learnt new great concepts. However, perhaps the funniest part of class was witnessing the confused dead-silence after Dr. M repeatedly said “I know most of you had already seen this before” when going over the differential forms of E&M equations when in fact the majority of the class, if not all, was seeing these equations for the first time in their lives. The lecture ended at approximately 11am and we had work time until lunch and after lunch to 3.30pm – this was when we went back to the dorm to dress up for our guest speaker Dr. Barrientos. And just before Michael C. attacked Andrew N. with a compressed water bottle, everyone seems to be fed up of Michael C.’s violent demeanor. (just joking Michael is probably the nicest and kindest person I ever knew)
Anyways, thanks to Dr. Barrientos’s beautiful presentation on the effects of surgery and high fat diets on rat’s declining cognitive abilities, I decided to avoid getting surgeries and eating burgers for a life-time. Not so sure on how to avoid surgeries but we’ll work on it hopefully. The group promptly headed to the dining hall when Dr. Barrientos finished answering questions; we sang Happy Birthday a multitude of times while having dinner as well. Thanks to all my fellow cohortmates! We of course went to work after dinner; this work session proved to be particularly fruitful to me because I learnt how to draw LaTeX diagrams – I wanted to learn this for over a year but never had the opportunity to do so. It is a little sad that the only visual I have from the day is a scientific diagram, but all sadness turns into the purest form of joy when you look at this diagram – look at this beauty!!!