Birthing Fred

Hi everyone, my name is Anthony and I am a rising senior from San Ramon, California. Today was an average day at SSP, which is to say, it was super busy and fun. In the morning I went on a spontaneous trip to Starbucks with Vikram (shoutout to Vikky Sharmalarmadoodoo) and Cruz. Right after, we headed into the lab to do an oral presentation on our experiment. 

The bioinformatics work hit at 10:00AM. We were introduced to the Integrative Genome Viewer and our lab group (Tien and Aibike are the best lab mates ever) spent a few hours trying to understand the DNA sequences the program was showing. In the afternoon, we finally got to spend some time away from our computers! We got a lecture on food microbiology and got to make our own sauerkraut by vigorously combining cabbage and salt in a can. The can (we named him Fred) will be sitting on my sink for the next week or so before we eat him. 

As I am typing, we are doing a movie night activity. There have been some issues with the remote controller (ahem ahem) and a movie still hasn’t started. I see this as a win as I can finally finish my work.

Here are some pictures from today. I will caption them like I do in my lab notebook.

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Figure 1. 

Tien, Sydney, Aibike, Aubrey, and Nastia walking back to the dorm after making sauerkraut. Aibike recently hurt her foot so Sydney is helping her.

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Figure 2.

Vikram playing with food in the dining hall. He hopes to be an elephant in his next life.

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Figure 3.

Our dormitory in the morning. 3rd prettiest building on campus.