Every day at SSP is insane amazing. Today was no exception.
Our morning lecture was on Cramer’s rule and least squares. It made a lot of sense at the beginning, but then it devolved into a mess of sigmas (both the capital and lowercase kind). During our ten minutes break at 10:30, tall Matthew was writing equations on the chalk board and actually trying to be productive, so naturally I went over to bother him. We ended up drawing dotted lines on the chalk board with Evan and Tyler. I’m no Walter Lewin, but I was pretty proud of my progress.

After lunch we decided on the movie for Sunday night, and apparently we’re going to be watching a movie animated entirely by one man about an assassin who is also a coffee bean. We then went bowling at the CUB Memorial Center, and it was a lot of fun. I watched ball after ball roll into the gutter. I threw many strikes :D. Shoutout to Michelle and Lilah who were bowling in the same lane as me and are actually good at bowling. After bowling we played pool, and again I had a chance to show off my aggressively mediocre skills amazing talent.
I think we really found tall Matthew’s hidden talent though (besides annoying the TAs), because in one game he managed to unintentionally hit three balls into the pool table pockets.
After dinner I went to the computer lab, which has already become my second home because I spend a concerning very healthy portion of my waking hours there. Actually, I’m here writing this blog post in the computer lab at this very moment. Whenever you read this, chances are I’ll still be in the computer lab because we have assignments due tomorrow as well as on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, so I’ll definitely be spending a lot of time here.
I’d love to keep writing, but I should probably get back to fixing my code for my LSPR (Least Square Plate Reduction) and writing my code for my angular momentum calculator and working on my group’s final report and reducing my group’s images from our observations and maybe working on a t-shirt design…
Hi! My name is Jacqueline and not Joy (which Milenka sometimes needs to be reminded of). At SSP I spend a lot of time laughing obnoxiously loudly with Milenka, bothering Evan, doing pset problems that I don’t know how to do, and developing a caffeine addiction. Outside of SSP I love music, drawing and pronouncing GIF the correct way (which is, of course, GIF).