“Checkmate!”, I shouted to myself, during the online chess tournament, expressing cheerfulness, because I thought I had made the concluding move and I was gonna WIN the game. But I realised that the opponent still had the Queen to eliminate my almost triumphant Bishop, and that I didn’t ‘observe’ the gameboard well enough.

“Checkmate!”, I shouted to myself, when I thought our team spotted the asteroid in the telescope images (I didn’t actually say ‘Checkmate’, I just shouted ‘YESSS!’, but I was muted so it doesn’t matter). But I realised that it wasn’t our asteroid because I didn’t ‘observe’ the images well enough…
“Checkmate!”, I shouted to myself (this is the last time don’t worry), when I thought I had completed the code to a good extent (again I didn’t say ‘Checkmate’, I just whispered ‘please run please run’ and made the Namaste gesture with my hands while praying to God). The data, from the file to be opened in python, wasn’t stored correctly, and of course, it didn’t work!
“Checkmate!”, just kidding, I don’t keep saying “Checkmate!” all the time, we just say ‘YAYY!!’, my teammates know this.
But all of this did make me feel that a lot of things don’t end up the way we expect them to, at least when we are working on an actual project. So, it’s alright necessary to calm down, CHILL out and enjoy the work and feel the moment. CAUTION: Don’t CHILL when we are saving our planet from an incoming asteroid, we will need to get our code right no matter what! The lesson is over, but I wanna write more about our experience…
So let’s go,
23rd of July 2021, we were working on a T-shirt design for our campus. Our theme was ‘Pasta’. FUN FACT: I actually didn’t know there were different types of pasta, I always pictured something looking like this:
We worked hard and got an AMAZING symbol for SSP’21:
The BEST part: Literally every team contributed to the process. We all had created our team stickers that would represent our team. We combined all of these team stickers to represent our campus, in an INNOVATIVE manner:
The entire process of working on this design was AWESOME because it brought out the artist inside all of us!
The POINT is that, this one month (or so), ‘might’ not let you sleep, ‘might’ turn you into an expert gamer (you still won’t get better than us at CODENAMES though), ‘might’ bring out the artist in you, but it will DEFINITELY give you a lot of really awesome friends (probably 2 special ones, your teammates), and teach you a lot…