CUB Talent Show Recap (with a surprise)

As we just had our talent show, I thought I’d use my blog post to memorialize all of the talent that CUB (the best campus) has. As per an executive decision by Master of Ceremonies Akshitha, we all showed up wearing our nicest black and pink clothes. 

Kicking it off was A Sweet Surprise (Momo dancing), followed by Dr. Kim’s performance of Caresse sur l’ocean. Next, Abby demonstrated her colorguard skills by swirling and twirling a rifle, two batons, and a flag (to the tune of the aptly named Distance Equals Rate Times Time). Additionally, Sarah showed us that Momo isn’t the only talented dancer on campus, providing us with a Dance and Act

After the extremely talented Jessica showed us her Crab-corder skills, Eesh shared an entire oscar-worthy short film! Adelynn then sang a beautiful cover of a traditional Chinese song, 繁华唱遍 (Fan Hua Chang Bian). With a quick intermission where Atharva demonstrated his PI memorization skills (Try to beat his score) and showed us some very speedy chess, we continued to Erin’s Gallery, a beautiful collection of oil, acrylic, watercolor, and digital paintings. 

Eesh showed us another video demonstrating An Innovative Approach to producing energy, followed by Kavya’s amazing CUB theme song (the best song for the best campus, even though it made us a bit sad). Then, Jake showed us some Astrophotography and we watched an amazing performance of Counting Stars from Jessica, Kavya, Akshitha, Adelynn, Nadja, Inimai, Emily, Bowen, Ryan, and Jack (who knew we had so many musically talented participants.

After Tina showed us a very impressive Phigros performance, Christine and Jodi (and all of us) celebrated Molly’s birthday (Happy late birthday Molly!!!) and listened to the best joke ever, performed by Molly themself. To wrap it up, we all danced The Cupid Shuffle (a zoom recording that hopefully will never see the light of day), and took a group photo.

So much talent in one zoom call!

But the Talent show didn’t stop when the zoom call stopped, as some of us shared additional talents in #cub (the best campus). Molly shared some European/Balkan singing from Wesleyan and some musical singing from their senior year of High School, and Adelynn shared some figure skating. Michael didn’t perform during this talent show, but I’m looking forward to his performance of Optimization! 

Thank you to everyone that participated in the show, It was incredible seeing everyone perform!

I didn’t submit anything for the talent show myself, but with everyone sharing activities they loved, I was inspired to make something of my own. Here’s my own submission: a Beat Saber performance of Joji – Sanctuary

Even if you didn’t submit anything, we’re all talented enough to have survived 4 weeks of this brutal program. Thank you Dr. Kim for leading us through the OD, Dr. Domaingue for helping us observe these little asteroids, Dr. Ice for providing sports news, Andrei for playing codenames and chess, Molly for sharing foraging advice, Afura for sharing show recommendations, and Dominick for confusing us with puzzles and crosswords. It’s been the best few weeks of my life, and I’m so happy to have the opportunity to spend it with this incredible group of people. We only have one week left, let’s make it the best week yet.

  • Taylor

Hey, I’m Taylor, a rising senior from Florida! When I’m not doing endless problem sets, I enjoy running the sound for school theatre productions, hanging out with friends, and playing video games. I love math and science (like most people here) and I’m interested in studying computer science and linguistics.