Day 11- Thursday Thoughts (Biochemistry Purdue II)

Dear Reader,

I hope that you’re enjoying your day, I know I feel pretty mixed about mine. I guess today was a bit of a lesson in time management. We had our introduction draft for our papers due today, and when it came down to submitting it, I almost didn’t finish.

However, the rest of my day was good. For the first time in a while, we were able to start our day at 9 am, leaving me with time to do my laundry in the morning and eat breakfast. After our morning lectures, we headed to lunch, and headed to the lab.

Our labs today consisted of imaging our gels and preparing some solutions. Everything was going great until we made a small mistake measuring our pH. I think I definitely learnt my lesson in measuring pH before diluting!

After our lab we got to experience our first guest speaker. His name was Dr. Daniel Bond and he had a very interesting lecture about bacteria and nanowires.

We had a reception with Dr. Bond afterwards, and then a bunch of free time. After a quick informal study session, we headed down to the basement for some games.

Overall, I had a great day. I learnt a lot lessons, many of which I will keep with me as I head on to other opportunities!
