Day 11 of SSP. Crazy how fast time flies by when you’re having fun! Today was no exception. Our first lecture of the day, led by Dr. M was about writing “abstracts’ ‘ or summaries of a bulky, detailed, and often boring research paper (for nonscience geeks). Abstracts are extremely important because other researchers may want to understand your paper without reading 20 pages. Our second lecture was about macromolecules which includes lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates which is review for many of us. The main challenge of the day was using the Galaxy software to analyze and collect genomic data which is a bioinformatics dream. The user interference of Galaxy is quite complex but at the end of the lab we were able to get some results on our team’s assigned antibiotic resistance genes. The rest of the day was monitoring the dreaded chemostat. My group suffered from another contamination in vial three which means autoclaving, reconstruction, and experimenting (for the 3rd time). Fortunately our experience is universal among the Genomics class so we all understand the pain!

Hi, I’m Andrew and I am from Overland Park, Kansas. Besides science, I love watching thriller movies and listening to nostalgic music. In the lab, I’m usually behind the computer running the software while my teammates take on the wet lab.