Creator: Selin A.
There is exactly one week left of SSP, which is extremely sad and bittersweet for me and I refuse to even think about it. We have all gotten so close to each other over the past 4 weeks and one of the ways I’ve seen a lot of participants bond is through music- whether it is through their shared music taste or introducing their friends to new songs. We also always listen to music when we are in the lab and our lab room even has a playlist titled cleverly named “master mix.” So, for my blog, I asked everyone here and the TAs to give me a song that they associate with SSP and why (thank you everyone for enduring my pestering!).
Nirbaan: Get Lucky by Daft Punk
- I still don’t know how i got into this program
Rachael: lofi study music
- It’s chill
Evelyn: It’s My Party by Lesley Gore
- This is my favorite song from SSP because I listened to it all the time and SSP is a party!!
Georgia: Emmylou by First Aid Kit
- We listen to it in the lab and it has very nice energy
Kieran: Techno Show by Peach Pit
- I finally found other peach pit lovers at SSP
Stephanie: New Person, Same Old Mistakes by Tame Impala
- After a hard lab, I always take a walk around campus with the song in the background. SSP got me into tame impala.
Gaston: The Spins by Mac Miller
- With this song I have one of my first very good memories of the lab. I don’t remember what we were doing, but I remember that I was having fun while listening to this song, which I obviously liked a lot. After that day, I started playing it when I walked to the lab and Wiley, and it always makes me remember the feeling. I also feel that the vibe fits well to my SSP experience, so that’s why I chose it
Eric + Liam:
- Shostakovich Quartet 8 because Rachel and Ephraim and Nina and Angela and Audrey and Kai and Evelyn and Yujie have listened to it with me (us) (or at least a movement) and it’s very sad and panicky.
Saketh: The Sunday Special: Nirbaan Maken (Lil Nirby)
- I made friends with the creator himself and to support up and coming artists
Nina: Tongue Tied by Grouplove
- SSP is filled with a lot of socializing and hanging with friends, beach volleyball, swimming in the rain, hiking, and late nights. Tongue tied fully represents the fun summer/upbeat/full schedule vibe of SSP
Melike: Cruel summer by Taylor Swift
- We listen to it while making bracelets ad because it is summer
Kat: Apparently by J. Cole
Joshua: Upside Down by Jack Johnson
- The lyrics just convey the feeling of the program – everyone is super curious and wants to learn.
Steven: Photograph by Ed Sheeran
- I’ve taken more pictures than usual here at SSP, and after the program, I will probably look back at these pictures and remember all of the little memories that I’ve had with everyone here
Jones: Someday by The Strokes
- It’s very nostalgic and I think I’m going to miss these “good old days.”
Andrew: Money Money Money
- A. We spend a lot of money here. B. I’ve listened to it in the library when I do work
Sophia: Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo
- Georgia, Selin and I always listen to it on our walks. We were all together when it first came out and I didn’t love it at first but it grew on me and now it reminds me of our walks.
Conan: Nosebleed Seats by Vansire
- It reminds me of our field trips when we would be on those roads with nothing but the farm fields of Indiana in the distance. I really had a great time being able to go to different places all across the state.
Ethan: Flashing Lights by Kanye West
- We always played that in the lab while we worked
Yujie: I Wonder by Kanye West
- I chose this song because I was always wondering what I was supposed to be doing.
Abby: You’re on your own kid by Talor Swift
- “So make the friendship bracelets,Take the moment and taste it”
- Bc we all love making bracelets together and are making the most of the last week that we have together
Harika: Lover, you should’ve come over by Jeff Buckley
- We always sing it when doing laundry 🙂
Nikhil: F***umean by Gunna
- eeyaahh!
Kai: L O V E by Michael Bublé
- Everyone always starts playing a different version of the song, and it’s really fun to sing along, but then JUST as I start properly vibing to it, someone changes the version to this one, and I go “awww why would you skip it it’s such a good song” and get sad for about 10 seconds until I realize it’s actually the SAME song. Then my reaction changes to “aw man I love jazz” and I start vibing again. This is a recurring event. Also, love is more than just a game for two, it’s a game for 43 (36+4+2+1, goodness gracious I hate myself this is awful and cheesy)
Aberam: A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman
- Being at SSP has allowed everyone to dream so much bigger about what they think they can achieve and what they will achieve. Everyone at SSP should have a million dreams just from having taken part in the program.
- Also, “Zed leppelin stairway to heaven” lmao
Sophie: “Merry-Go-Round of Life” from Howl’s Moving Castle
- It reminds me of the nights spent in the music room drinking tea.
Audrey: Vienna by Billy Joel
- Someone played this in the lab and the lyrics just so perfectly encapsulated SSP energy. “Slow down you crazy child, you’re so ambitious for a juvenile. But then if you’re so smart tell me why are you so afraid?” Everyone here is united in this driven and all encompassing energy and I feel we push each other toward growth and improvement. But at the end of the day the best moments I’ve spent here have been ones where I slowed down and just enjoyed being here.
Allen: Roller Coaster by the Jonas Brothers
Angela: Pink & White By Frank Ocean
- It always plays during wet labs and I really like the song. It reminds me of pipetting and my lab group.
Justin: Paradise by Coldplay
- It’s how I think I will think about SSP after it is over <\3
Rachel: Howl’s Moving Castle
- Because I’ve been practicing it as a duet for the talent show and i think it also captures the atmosphere and interactions of ssp very well
Ephraim: Blue and Sentimental by Oscar Peterson
- SSP has been an incredible time, and I’m very sentimental for the experiences we shared together.
Selin: Adventure of a Lifetime by Coldplay
- I’ve listened to a lot of Coldplay with my friends and SSP is basically the adventure of a lifetime.
Grant: Yes! We Have No Bananas by Louis Prima
- It is about the bananas being destroyed by Fusarium oxysporum, which is our fungus. We also performed a rendition of this for our fungus presentation.
Martin: The final countdown
- It is.
Paige: Rock ‘n’ roll mcdonald’s
- They know
Hugo: See You Again by Tyler the Creator
- I love this song and it came up really often in the lab!
Austin: Electric Love
- It is so summery and it is such a vibe
Link to the playlist:
Now I will do a photo dump enjoy 🙂

Working hard or hardly working?

Pathogen oral presentations! People were very creative 🙂