Day 32 @ SSP Purdue – Summer Slip Program

Creator: Harika N.

Today was a wicked day (in a good way). We started the day bright and early at 8am to have a lecture on publishing. I learned the value of peer review and the selectiveness of journals when choosing papers to publish. Then the dreaded and looked forward to inhibitor design commenced. We had to modify our ligand 6 or less times to optimize its affinity. Here’s a photo of some of the work I was doing:

This is a competition to see who can build the best inhibitor, so tensions were high in the lab. After doing grueling work for several hours, we took a break for lunch. On the way back to the lab from lunch, Haleigh tripped over nothing and fell. I caught a photo of her getting back up!

And I also caught a photo of Stephanie falling from laughing so hard at Haleigh.

Then we spent the rest of the day doing inhibitor optimization! Fun, fun, fun 🙂