Final Extended Perimeter

Hi! My name is Bissan, and I’m from Dearborn, MI. Here’s a day in the life at SSP Biochem IU
that includes our last extended perimeter outing as well as the first official submission of our
research report.
9:00 AM- I woke up and got ready for the day. Since we are leaving in 3 days and start packing
tomorrow, I made sure to get the rest of my laundry done beforehand. Then, I went down to the
basement in Goodbody to work with my research group on our report.
12:00 PM- After working for a couple hours, I went with some friends to get lunch at Read dining
hall because IMU was closed. We sat there for a bit before heading back to Goodbody.
1:30 PM- We got back from lunch and continued to work on our research reports.
4:00-8:00 PM- We began our last extended perimeter of the program. For today’s extended
perimeter, I went out with Sophie, Sarah, Niyathi, Emily, Katie, Seiya, Arav, Matthew, Remy,
and Noah. It was a big group, but I’m glad I got to spend the the extended perimeter at SSP with
We first went to Target and the mall, where we walked around for a bit. At Target, I bought a
Marvel puzzle that we could all complete during the all nighter Tuesday night.