To say the least, Summer Science Program has been a breathtakingly awesome experience with our days action packed full of interesting information, rewarding work, and fun with friends. Today has been no exception.
After a morning lecture on the Method of Gauss and some continuation of working on both our orbital determination code and astrometry/photometry, we were lucky enough to go on a lunch trip to Bento-ria, a local sushi restaurant. The food was delicious and a nice change of piece from our normal meals at the Center for Community (dubbed the C4C). After lunch, we received a fascinating guest lecture about the NASA New Horizons mission from Dr. Kelsi Singer of the Southwest Research Institute (throughout SSP I have particularly enjoyed the opportunity to talk to such amazing scientists, such as Dr. Singer, through our Guest Lecture series).
Yet this blog post would be incomplete without the inclusion of today’s “fundatory activity”, the trial of the century Matt and Thew vs. Mia. With the drama of a twenty-first century Scopes Monkey Trial, teaching assistant Mia L. sued defendants Matthew V. and Matthew Z. for emotional distress in the “court of SSP”. The court proceedings were overseen by the honorable judge Anoushka C. and (slightly biased) bailiff Ben C. Defense attorney Sasha B. and Prosecutor Nathan S. represented their respective clients.

Beginning with jury selection and a break in from demonstrators into the court house (the classroom) the trial quickly proceeded into the opening arguments. The claim brought against the Matthews was that their excessive consumption of bananas coupled with incessant nagging at meals caused intense emotional distress against Mia. DA Sasha B. begged to differ, however, arguing that both Matthews acted with good intent behind their actions. After opening arguments, the prosecution called both plaintiff Mia L. and witness teaching assistant Jessica D. to the stand. After intense testimony and grilling cross examination from Sasha B., defendant Matthew Z. and witness Kenna N. testified at the stand. Matthew Z. almost immediately incriminated himself after eating a banana at the stand. The trial finished with testimony from Ameera E. and Ariella B and closing arguments. After less than 30 seconds of deliberation from the jury, both Matthews were found guilty on all charges.

Matthews reactions after being found guilty.
The day finished with observations for my team, Glacier National Park, and some work on our problem sets.

About Me:
Hello! My name is Tyler C., and I am a rising senior at Northern Highlands Regional High School. I love physics, running, and jazz piano. SSP has been such an amazing experience, and I’m so glad to be here :).