Meet the UNC TAs!!

Hello World! We’re already on Day 3 of all-out SSP activities here at UNC Chapel Hill, so I guess it’s prime time for our lovely Teaching Assistants to get a proper introduction. After today, our ‘pants will be adding to the blog with their own unique experiences at SSP – make sure to check them out!


Aman is a former SSPer who recently graduated from Yale University with a B.S. in Computer Science. He hails from SoCal and will be returning to his homeland in the fall to work on satellites for SpaceX. You can catch him the majority of the time playing Smash Ultimate, bouldering, juggling, or longboarding.


Maddy is a rising senior at UNC Chapel Hill pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science in Astrophysics and a minor in Mathematics. Her research interests include high-energy particle physics and cosmology. She works as a Science Educator and Tech at UNC’s Morehead Planetarium and as a professional muralist and artist. You can usually find her playing Hozier songs on guitar, doing CrossFit, and spreading the Vegan agenda.


Maci is a rising senior at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) studying physics, astrophysics, and computer science. She has worked as a group tutor and Orientation Leader, and her research uses Chandra observations to visualize gas sloshing in galaxy cluster mergers. She is an incoming data analytics intern at Dynetics and president of the UAH Astronomy Club. In her free time, Maci loves reading about culture and politics, listening to music, and driving with her sister back home in Atlanta. She is also responsible for reviewing and publishing the blog on behalf of the UNC TAs.


Joel graduated from UNC Chapel Hill in 2022 with a B.S. in Astrophysics. He works with the RESOLVE local galaxy survey, focusing on spectroscopy data reduction pipelining as well as analyzing the stellar kinematics of lenticular and elliptical galaxies. He is an incoming Jr. Operations Coordinator at The Looma Project. In his free time, Joel enjoys running, reading, playing guitar, and playing with microcontrollers. As an SSP TA, he runs the question of the day.