Nearing the end | Alex K.

As SSP is coming to a close it is so much fun to look back on the many memories that we have made so far. Through our wonderful Class Activity sessions, TA blocks, and Campus Blocks we have made many friends, learned about many amazing games, and improved our love for all things science and biochemistry related. 

My day started with a Class Activity session where we did not have much scheduled to do, however, the research project and final essay still lingered over our heads. After a solid three hours of work, we had completed week 4 parts 4 and 5, and were ready to head on to the essay during TA block.

Following the Class Activity was our Campus Block where we had two amazing guest speakers: Dr. Allison and Dr. Sharma. Dr. Allison won the Nobel Prize in Physiology, or Medicine, in 2018, alongside Dr. Honjo, for their discovery of a new type of cancer therapy involving checkpoint inhibitors to stimulate the immune system to attack tumor cells. Dr. Allison and Dr. Sharma explained how these processes work and what types of research they have done since winning the Nobel Prize.

I had a TA block to finish off the day with the same goal in mind, working on the paper. After two solid hours of work my group decided it would be a good time for a break, so why not play a game. After corresponding with another group we decided to play a game of Avalon, what could go wrong? It would be a lie if I were to say that we got no work done after that point but our work was less efficient after Avalon. Before SSP I had never played Avalon but, after playing it for the first time it has become a go-to game for my friends at SSP. Every heated argument about who the bad guys are is another fantastic moment that I will never forget.

It is sad to know that there are very few days left of SSP but I know I will never forget all the memories, the fun ones, and the stressful ones, when Dr. Hall calls on you during the Class Activity, that I have made on this journey. It has already been 28 days since we started this program but it all feels like one never-ending, fun-filled day.