Hello, this is Samantha from Astro 2 at New Mexico State
I know I’m supposed to write this blog post for the 16th but honestly its not all that interesting of a day. Today our laundry machines finally came back after being broken for two weeks! It was a very hype moment, I immediately raided the 1st floor washing machines when I saw they were installed.
So instead I’m going to talk about our field trip to white sands yesterday. Our trip started at 8 am and we were out till 11pm. It was extremely fun and probably my favorite SSP trip so far. First we went to the Apache Point Observatory and had a tour of the observation. The whole observatory was surrounded by these huge forests. I come from Arizona so I’ve never seen trees like that before. I also never seen telescopes of this size before either. The telescope was an entire 3 story building! Then we went to the sunspot observatory and had a tour. On the inside of telescope there were hundreds of huge supercomputers that were processing hundreds of images.
Then we had to speedrun our trip to walmart. We only had 20 minutes to get there and back but it me and my friends got lots of snacks.
Then we went to wendys and racked up a whopping 500 dollar bill. SSP singlehandedly kept that wendy’s in business for the day.
Then we made our way to white sands. White sands was truly a beautiful site. It sounds really stupid but the sand was extremely white, like crazy white almost like snow. We made an SSP in the sand and then we drove home and got back.