I initially thought that every blog post would be practically the same because we have a similar schedule every day but today was a first in that we had actual free time. I was supposed to wake up at 7 to go on a walk with my friend but somehow set it for 8 instead so I ended up waking later. It ended up being a good thing anyway because the dining hall was closed till 9 today, so we got Chick Fil A catering for breakfast while the other programs had to make do with pop tarts and granola bars.
We then had a 3 hour python lecture with Dr. Bower that covered various topics like vpython, reading files, and general tips and tricks while making python code. There was also a Q+A section where Dr. Bower answered an array of questions about college, next steps, enrichment opportunities, and course/major/minor selection. His personal anecdotes made the talk both engaging and helpful in considering future endeavors.
Lunch today in my opinion was the best of all the ones we’ve had so far because we didn’t have an afternoon lecture; we had time to relax while we ate and were not in a rush. We were supposed to make a Target run today but that didn’t end up happening because of some bus issue so we ended up having free time from lunch to 5:30 for the first time like ever. Some people played poker in the lobby while others took much needed naps in their dorms, me being one of them. A lot of people did laundry here for the first time and we quickly discovered that of the 4 washing machines on our floor, only 1 works.
I’m now on my way to the Biology Annex after dinner to do a pset thats due at midnight tonight.
Wish me luck Ebadah (astro II)