On January 24, 2021 the SSP Board of Trustees unanimously voted to hold SSP’21 entirely online. As our planning develops we will post updates here and by email to admitted students. The specific start and end dates are below, and admitted students will be provided with more detail before they commit to attend.
Astrophysics programs online – Sunday, June 20 – Saturday, July 24
Biochemistry programs online – Thursday, June 17 – Wednesday, July 21
We will announce daily schedules after all 180 participants are admitted in mid-April. SSP requires a full-time commitment.
Yes. Many scientists spend their entire careers analyzing data collected by others.
After admission you will complete a survey on what technology you have access to. If you qualify for financial aid, we will discuss your technology needs and how to meet them.
Absolutely. Participants in 2020 were pleasantly surprised at how well they got to know their faculty and each other. You’ll have many small-group interactions.
Absolutely, a mix of required and optional, planned and spontaneous, some organized by faculty and others by you and your peers.
You may join them physically, as long as the travel does not preclude your full participation in SSP, including all required synchronous online time blocks. There is no vacation from SSP during SSP. It is time-consuming, intensive, and hard-but-rewarding.
SSP International is a nonprofit offering inspiring science immersion experiences. Founded in 1959, its mission is to provide opportunities to accelerate learning, doing and belonging in science. SSP International’s flagship program is Summer Science Program, a leading education experience for exceptional high school students in astrophysics, biochemistry, genomics and more.