Open House – Ana

Halfway. Here we are, on our 3rd week, with three more left to go. Some might be relieved, but I’m sure I can speak for most when I say that we are going to miss this place. So, main event for today: Open house. It was…interesting, and a different night for a change.  There were lots of speeches and information—other than science—thrown our way. Parents got to come. Personally, my parents weren’t able to come to the open house, however, I do know of some people who got to show their parents around the labs (which no longer have chemostats), and the campus. We met Caltech, MIT, and Harvey Mudd college admissions along with speaker, Dr. Peter J. Park. And lets not forget, the amazing speeches that Nandini and Michael gave. I was personally excited for the college admissions, since college sounds just as exciting as it sounds scary. As for the speaker, thought, it was extremely interesting. One of the best parts, other than he bioinformatics, was probably when he spoke of the different paths one could take after college. It personally cleared up a lot of things. But, anyway, today was a pretty cool day. Here are some pictures of all of us dressed formally.

Blog Saturday1

Hi! I’m Ana. I am an incoming senior from Miami Florida, and still getting used to the long walks to places. I love sports, especially soccer. And academically, I love biology, chemistry, and engineering.

