Plane Ticket?

Mornings are supposed to be relatively peaceful, at least before the labs and lectures start. So imagine my terror of being woken up by a certain knock on the door in the morning, with the potential of receiving a free plane ticket back to that beautiful desert known as Arizona. Thankfully, instead of being greeted with a plane ticket, I was greeted by a very average Starbucks enjoyer that was very Excited Regarding Interesting Culinary delights at the IMU. Being woken up by some lonely soul that didn’t want to go to Starbucks alone, my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was almost ruined. Thankfully though, I had the fantastic opportunity to sleep in more without any more knocks on my dorm room door.

But if a morning knock on my door couldn’t get me up, the labs assigned for the day certainly will. And I couldn’t contain my excitement to pipet nearly 80 wells with a lab member counting down the time left like a rocket preparing for liftoff. Very relaxing and just what I needed to wake myself up from the interrupted sleep. But even after 3 hours of painfully-excruciating work, we were unable to scan our plate to collect data. So in terms of data, we had no data, which was very helpful for the following class activity of the day (although to be fair, inputting data on that Google sheet would have been very difficult to do because of the large amount of excellent art on it). But thankfully, we got to go back to the lab afterward and scan the plates so it wasn’t a wasted effort! As to why we got to go back to the lab? A certain thunderstorm disrupted a certain scavenger hunt that was planned for the day. It was truly a tragedy.

That aside, the rain kept pouring even as we were walking to dinner. Raincoats, umbrellas, and hoodies galore as SSP students marched to Forest for sustenance. Of course, those who could not bring anything to shield themselves from the light drizzle of rain shared umbrellas with one another. A true sign of companionship between fellow students. It was very interesting and made for some picture-worthy moments to display the camaraderie amongst ourselves.

Now with that general description of the day, I would just like to take some time to thank Dr. H and the TAs for taking the time to help us with the lab procedures since the beginning of the program. I would also like to thank instructor Dr. Trevor for not only furthering our understanding of enzyme activity but also for being able to give us a very nice aliquot of a certain Biomol Green. We as students really appreciate all your help and support.

Good morning, or perhaps good evening. My name is Derrick and I am a rising senior from Arizona. In my free time, I enjoy playing cards and practicing archery, although bringing an entire bow onto campus grounds was not possible. Recently I have begun practicing pool, and it has become abundantly clear to me that I am extremely good at sinking the 8-ball for better or worse.