I started off this momentous day with a lovely, 6 AM trip down to the laundry room. I am not a morning person and only did this out of dire necessity, as I was out of clean socks. After rushing through breakfast at Wiley and then speed walking to ABE to get to lecture on time, I got to sit down for a great review (by Dr. G!) of the mutational analysis we did on Toprak’s E. coli data, as preparation for working on our own sequencing data. Each group gave a casual presentation of their Galaxy/IGB findings for the Toprak data, and after a week of feeling like we were all very confused a lot of the time, it was pretty great to see that everyone pulled through and was able to identify several real mutations for antibiotic resistance.
At noon we went to Union for lunch…

… and then returned to ABE for a Dr. M lecture on writing the Methods & Materials section of scientific papers. Afterwards, we had some free time (by “free,” I mean free-to-work-on-problem-sets) since Dr. G was still uploading our sequencing data to Galaxy. At 5 PM, we went to dinner at Wiley as usual. Today I was very mature and did not eat Lucky Charms for dinner again — I got a pasta :). After dinner it was back to ABE, and… we received our results for the genome sequencing of our own, hopefully antibiotic-resistant V. natriegens!!! We spent the rest of the night running Galaxy programs to start cleaning, assembling, mapping, annotating, and everything else we have learned to do with sequencing data at SSP.

We also finished writing the first drafts of our introductions, staying at ABE until TA’s kicked us out at 10:30 PM (a daily occurrence) <3. Here is a picture I took from the nightly trek back to dorms:
About me:
Hi! I’m Miranda from Montgomery, New Jersey. Outside of school I love being with my friends, singing in Princeton Girlchoir, playing the violin, watching TV, taking pics of my dog Marble, and doing Science Olympiad. In general, I love working with my hands and building stuff, and my favorite subjects are math and bio!