SSP aka Super Sasha PBlog (the P is Silent)

Me and my roommate wake up at our usual 7:15, only to stay in our beds for another half an hour before finally getting up. Instead of going out for breakfast as we usually do, we each stay in and eat some snacks to start the day. It’s field trip day, and we have lots to look forward to. 

The field trip is a much needed break from the endless wells to plate and inhibitors to test in the lab. Our original plan of visiting Lake Monroe was replaced with going to an escape room and axe throwing (!) due to weather. Its exciting, but the last field trip of SSP brings with it some bittersweet emotions. 

As we board the bus for our hour and a half trip to Indianapolis, I can’t help but think how in exactly one week we’ll be riding the same bus to the airport. These past 4 and a half weeks have been a test in patience and perseverance, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. It’s been amazing to learn alongside such talented and driven peers. It’s incredible how close we’ve gotten in such a short time, which only makes it all the more difficult to imagine waving goodbye to everyone in just a week.

We arrive at the escape room and assemble into groups. There are six different rooms to choose from, and my group chooses ‘The Island’. We escape with just 5 minutes remaining – but not before almost breaking a decoration on the wall because we thought it was a clue. We head to lunch at a local deli for lunch. Ordering food for all 36 of us (plus faculty!) was hectic, but eventually we all got our food. Next on the agenda was axe throwing – a great way to blow off some steam from the workload of our last week. 

On the ride back, I snapped a photo of Emanuel sleeping as retribution for him doing the same to me. The rest of the day was some much welcome free time to work on our manuscripts. All in all, the last field trip of SSP was one to remember. 

  • Sasha