SSP Dispos: Flicks from Week 1

Hello everyone! My name is Trinity (aka Trinny C), and I come from Michigan. This week has been packed, to say the least. I have made so many friends here at SSP, and they definitely help me through the most difficult parts of the program. I think we can all collectively agree that the walking distance is a bit difficult, but with the weight of my backpack, the walks (or runs, if I’m running late) have become a daily form of exercise. My legs were in PAIN, but now I’m used to it and they’re only a little bit sore now. Re-autoclaving my group’s chemostat twice was pretty difficult, but I’m happy with where we are now in the experiment. 

Despite all the work we have, I really appreciate all the friends I’ve made so far! I’ve definitely bonded with them through late-night talks and working together in labs and problem sets. I wanted to include a collection of pictures, courtesy of my friend Alice. She has a digital camera that we all use to take pictures together.