By: Haedam I
Super Star People at the
Summer Science Program.
Our Stunningly Sparkling Passion
would Shine in Space Permanently.
Our Solidarity Stays Persistent
when we Struggle with Stressful Python.
Superfluous Syntax errors Prolong.
It Seems to Stay Problematic
forever until the Solar System Pops.
However, we Soon Solved the Problem
with a Strong Sentiment of Proudness.
The Spectacularly Special People
like Shimmering Star Palettes
at the Summer Science Program
Shall Stay in our heart Perpetually.
Everyone at SSP is like the wondrous stars above: that’s why SSP stands for Super Star People!!!
I can’t believe almost five weeks have passed since SSP had its opening ceremony. Despite a virtual format, I was able to feel how everyone started to form the unique atmosphere of SSP ONL ‘21! It was such a mesmerizing experience to be a part of SSP and meet all the marvelous people here. Although everyone had a common interest—astronomy—each one of us had different interests within the broad range of astronomy: neutron stars, black holes, exoplanets, computational astronomy, and more.
In the course of a month, I was not only able to learn awesome astronomy but also experience genuine collaboration with others. I was impressed by how everyone was helping each other out, especially when it came to debugging python code.
The most significant impression that I had throughout SSP was that I really enjoyed learning astronomy, but I also very much loved spending time with these incredible people! The SSP poem that I wrote above shows my final thoughts about SSP!
I am sure that these once-in-a-lifetime experiences at SSP would last as one of the best memories in my life!!!
A fun quiz for the work-play block today: who are the real Dr. F, Dr. H, and Alan T???
Five Dr.Fs in the Work Play Block
About Me
Hi! My name is Haedam I., and I am a rising senior from University High School in Irvine, California! I enjoy astronomy, star-gazing, and soap-making!