Super Slumped Program

     Today’s blog is dedicated to all of the super sleepy participants (SSP) struggling to stay awake throughout the program.

     In an attempt to catch up on sleep, I started my day abnormally late this morning at 7:45. After navigating through my morning routine, I dragged myself to breakfast and ate a healthy portion of tepid oatmeal and lightly-sugared grapefruit. Shortly thereafter, I made the trip to 9:00 am lecture at SBO (Sommers-Bausch Observatory) and felt what little energy I had left in me drained away. By some miracle, I managed to stay awake during the morning lecture: however, I cannot say the same for the afternoon lecture. Somewhere between consuming absurd amounts of breath mints and chugging my water, I managed to doze off just in time to be called out in front of the whole class for sleeping. Oop. Safe to say, I was awake and attentive for the rest of the lecture. 

     Later this evening at dinner, I had a very insightful conversation with Dr. D and the rest of table 5 about the history of 04/20 (my birthday) at the University of Colorado Boulder campus, which I best not delve too much into (iykyk). Following this discussion, and a heaping portion of birthday cake ice-cream, I went back to the dorms to do my laundry and change into some comfy clothes for movie night. It was not long after that I was on my way to watch the movie and I saw the clouds dawn the Bat Symbol (I got a phone call) and I knew it was time to save the night (my speaker was needed to play the movie). Finally, while on my way to SBO to deliver the speaker and start the movie, I got to witness an intense electric scooter race between Alan and Kevin (the TAs). I’m not quite sure who won but they both got style points for their low-ride stance. 

     Once at SBO, I settled down with the rest of the group and prepared to be MIND BLOWN by the movie I was about to see: Inception. Overall, it was pretty good, but my brain only hurt from the sleep deprivation, not the movie plot. Finally, I went back to the dorms and SLEPT. zzzzz 

Lastly, I will leave you all with this haiku and some super sleepy pics. 

Sleepy people pray 

So they may remain awake 

Probably they fail

Figure 1: Corina sleeping before morning lecture
Figure 2: Anabelle dreaming about dreams within dreams within dreams within dreams when “watching” Inception.

About Me: Hi guys! My name is Kira and I’m from Phoenix, Arizona. I HATE picking favorites, so here are some things I really like. I enjoy music, whether that be playing or listening to it (especially belting songs in my car). I also love being active, so I play volleyball, basketball, soccer, and run track. And OBVIOUSLY, I’m a big nerd since I’m at SSP, so my two favorite subjects are physics and biology and I’d love to do something involving both in the future.

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