Welcome to the Summer Science Program! Since you’re here, you must be wondering what a typical day at our program is like. So, without further ado, I bring you a normal day at SSP.
Our students typically wake up around 8:00 AM, after a restful night of sleep (after all, a healthy sleep routine is the key to a healthy life and I am definitely not typing this at 2 in the morning). After some quick morning exercise, they will head to breakfast for a nice, balanced morning meal.
During the rest of the morning, students will learn interesting facts about science. What does the equation F = ma mean? How can you calculate the speed of an object given it’s change in position and the time it takes to move the object? Here at the Summer Science Program, we encourage students to think about tough questions such as these, so that they are prepared for college.
After a filling lunch, we often prepare a fun field trip for students. SSP believes in work-life balance above all else, so students spend their afternoons doing fun, engaging activities to balance out the hard work they do in the mornings. Today, we went to an amusement park, where everyone enjoyed go-karts, mini golf, and arcade games
After an afternoon of fun, students will then go to dinner with the staff and facility. We believe this encourages students to become more outgoing and comfortable with talking to adults around them. Once dinner is over, the students are free to do as they wish. Many choose to play on the computers in the program’s computer lab in this time (totally don’t spend hours debugging code and grinding psets instead). At 11:30 PM, everyone is hustled to their dorm room to prepare for bed, and everyone is asleep by 12:00 AM (what do you mean it’s 2 AM right now?). Thus concludes another fun and fulfilling day at the Summer Science Program.
DISCLAIMER: For all legal purposes, this article is purely satirical. Please don’t sue me.
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SSP International is a nonprofit offering inspiring science immersion experiences. Founded in 1959, its mission is to provide opportunities to accelerate learning, doing and belonging in science. SSP International’s flagship program is Summer Science Program, a leading education experience for exceptional high school students in astrophysics, biochemistry, genomics and more.