Steve Cotler '60 Fund

Steve wrote on his website, “The Summer Science Program found me when I was 16. We were high school juniors—future rocket scientists—sequestered for six weeks and intensely challenged with cosmology, astrophysics, spherical geometry, and the like. SSP changed my life.”

Actually, it changed his life twice. In 1999, Steve led the rescue of this venerable and unique program from extinction, by starting a new nonprofit to operate it. He served as Board Chair for the first seven years, and remained actively involved thereafter. He considered SSP one of his enduring legacies. All 1,800 participants since 1999 are indebted to Steve, whether or not they ever met him. In a very real sense, SSP is Steve’s Science Program.

Steve’s family has donated $50,000 to establish the Steve Cotler ’60 Fund within the endowment, and others have more than matched that amount. Your gift will be added to the Fund, and your name (but not donation amount) will be shared with the Cotler family. When the balance reaches $225,000, the Fund will endow a Cotler Scholar and full financial aid each summer for a teenager who embodies exuberance and love of learning … as Steve did.

Donate online above. Or, if you prefer to give by check, download and print this form, check the box and indicate your gift is in Steve’s honor and memory, and mail to: SSP International, Inc., 1207 Delaware Ave #680, Wilmington, DE 19806.