SWOSU Day 6: Many Many Macrocycles

Michael here. Finally, it is my turn to write something about this amazing program. I want to start with the lab today. Today’s lab work is to separate two isomers of Q13N4, Q means the number of atoms on the macrocycle, where N indicates the nitrogen number. My teammate molecules are Q12 and Q14. Since their molecules are symmetrical, the process will not produce an isomer, but mine Q13 has a pair of molecules composed of the same element but form a different structure, so my molecule needs to pass through the column to separate them. My teammates, Wei and Joyan helped me a lot with collecting test tube data and making up the TLC plate. The purified product will be characterized further using NMR and Mass Spec tomorrow!

Problem sets are always challenging for us. The content of the Pset is hard as usual, but the set for today is very challenging compared to the previous one, focusing on the structure of chair conformation, focusing on Gauche, and other energies that exist between molecules. The chapter about stereochemistry is cooking my brain.

Ethics class is cool. Dr. Hubin introduced the importance of scientific journals, authorship, and what can be counted as the author of an article. IMPORTANT. Safety is always important. That is for the day, I am looking forward to the lab on Saturday morning! (But I still don’t want to wake up at 7)