by Sonia K.
In all honesty, I wasn’t fully aware of what I was getting myself into when I applied to SSP. The postcards and emails I received seemed innocent enough, so I started my application without completing too much research. As someone who has zero prior coding or astrophysics experience, is a rookie at pulling all-nighters, has a problematic history with group work in the traditional sense, is actively fighting a fear of failure, and still needs a little convincing that asking for help isn’t something to be ashamed of, it would seem that SSP isn’t the right fit for me.
However, SSP is guilty of being deceivingly more than its description. Beyond the lectures and problem sets, lies a unique opportunity to get an authentic perspective on a wide array of subjects, such as careers, colleges, and the cosmos, from the most humble, yet immensely qualified, faculty and guest speakers. So, in reality, the less I know just means the more I get to learn.
Some of my favorite experiences thus far have been late night (early morning?) shifts in the observatory with my team (shoutout Sam, Sarim, & bestie Josh :)), bonding with our wonderful TAs, watching The Martian, seeing a planetarium show and baseball game for the first time, browsing shelves in Epilogue, and enjoying overpriced Ben & Jerry’s on Franklin Street. The road so far has definitely had its potholes and puddles, but I’m certain the journey and destination are worthwhile.
About Me:
Hi!! I’m Sonia, and I’m from Virginia Beach, VA! When I’m not struggling to get my code to function or my sleep-deprived brain to cooperate, you can find me daydreaming about reuniting with my family and my parents’ cooking, brushing up on my French with Antonio, listening to music, or reading poetry! Back home, I’m usually obsessing over kdramas, food, paintings, and sculptures!
P.S. It’s amazing what a small fascination with the story Hidden Figures can become. 🙂