Author: Tanvi R.
So it’s 4:11 am EST, and I just started writing this blog post. Phew. What a day. Actually, what a week. Oh wait actually, what a month.
I have a theory that SSP warps time. Five weeks spent with my fellow SSPers and I feel like I’ve known them for a lifetime. On the other hand, breaks have never felt so short in my life. I am aware of every moment that passes by and yet… those three hours between the morning session and work-play block zip by so quickly.
No but seriously, spending 42 hours a week on scheduled zoom sessions for five weeks magically transforms complete strangers into life-long friends. And that doesn’t include the many hours spent outside of scheduled calls crying over psets, playing games, and working on the OD code and report.
Also if you’re wondering why all these sentences are so short… I truly do not have the mental capacity to think much more at the moment. Especially after writing the whole OD report with my team in the span of 12 hours. So I’ve decided that the rest of this blog post will mainly be pictures. Because, as a great person once said, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

Exhibit A: Dr. R’s last day lectures accompanied with existential crises
(Thank you NMT faculty, y’all are the absolute best!)

Exhibit C: An imposter co-host changed everyone’s names to science puns…. *i wonder who*
Exhibit D: Dr. R’s utter confusion at being @ed 20 billion times at the end of the last w/p block
Update: It is currently 7:16 am EST
*Shoutout to Elane, Rom, and Tanay for staying up with me! I would have never survived these last couple hours without you guys :))*
Anyways, you all are very amazing and although this was a very chaotic blog post, I hope you enjoyed it! I will miss you all SO much! Thank you thank you thank you for being the best SSP community ever! Keep in touch, love ya guys <3
About me: Hey! I’m Tanvi, a rising senior at Orlando Science High School in Orlando, FL. My hobbies include playing piano & guitar, going on bike rides with my sister, watching sunrises at the beach, reading (especially fantasy/sci-fi), and of course, spending time with friends and family! I’m also very sleepy at the moment, so I hope all of you people reading this have a good night’s sleep tonight!