Today was free since we didn’t have lecture, so I was able to sleep until 10 AM. After, we headed down to Chase Dining Hall to have lunch.

When we got back to the dorms, we had some chores to do (luckily I had none) and two hours of free time. After that, we split into a couple of groups to do spots, play games, practice instruments, and go hiking! I chose to go on the hike; we walked a couple of trails on Battle Park near UNC and even got to look at Ghimghoul Castle. Our TA and tour guide Sonya told us a spooky myth behind the castle (two suitors had fought for a girl at that location), though it likely wasn’t true. We also saw a fuzzy caterpillar and a cool almost amphitheater.

After a quick game of cards when we got back, it was time for dinner. On the walk there, we saw a helicopter fly by.

At the end of the day, it was problem set time as always. I finished up a final set I had and chatted with people for the rest of the time. Because it was Sunday, and our telescope couldn’t be used, we were able to head back to the dorm at 11:30, by far the earliest time we have ever done so.