Week 2, Wednesday, 06/26/24, Genomics, Purdue

Today was SSP Purdue Genomics’ first field trip! After a morning of sleeping in, the girls had a braiding session conducted by master stylists Noa and Celerina. We then boarded the bus to endure a long and treacherous journey to Malibu Jacks (it was maybe 15 minutes). The day was full of fun – bumper cars, shopping sprees, surprisingly good pizza, indoor roller coasters, and Mandy and Anne were able to show off their hidden laser tag talents.

Several participants (including me) wasted dozens of their game credits on claw machines, with an unfortunately low success rate at earning prizes (though Phuong did manage to snag four plushies). We then headed back to the dorms for dinner, and were sadly informed that the bacteria in several of our chemostats had tragically died (+5000 aura to the bacteria that mutated). As a result, we all went to the lab at night either to reinoculate our chemostats or, for the lucky participants, to freeze their mutated bacteria. I had an awesome time today getting to hangout with everyone outside of the lab, but I am ready to dive back into research tomorrow. until next time! jaya (like zendaya iykyk)