The guest lecture today was about the bacteria Shigella that causes dysentery in humans. Right after which, we had crackers and fruit and cookies at the reception and Indian food for dinner. I rated the Indian food a 6 out of 10 for the effort and initiative, and for the raita and samosas. I’m trying Mr. S’s crossfit workout today for the first time, and I’ll put pictures when I’m back. Keith the frog will be there to cheer us on.
We had very little wet lab today. Galaxy was a lot easier and we had a lot of time to catch up on assignments. I think my team will be done with our 600-word ‘Intro-yap-tion’ writing assignment today even though it’s due tomorrow. I didn’t think we’d be done this early, but even the slow workers can be fast sometimes 😃. Our bacterial genomes came back from sequencing today, and now we can process the data using bioinformatics.
Fortunately, it didn’t rain today or I would have gotten my shoes wet again. I really don’t want to put them in the dryer again. The internet says that hurricane Beryl was over on July 9, but its effects are clearly ongoing as it rained yesterday too (July 10). But besides the wet shoes, I’m really liking the rainy weather. (Soham)