Hey everyone!
I can’t believe we are officially over one month in… like hello? That’s crazy. Time flew but also not really (QOD shout out :P). Today was a full day of lectures and lots of writing and it was definitely a difficult day to get through but we made it out alive. Some of us got Pizza and Parm for lunch today for their amazing waffle fries but were scammed because they only had sweet potato fries 🙁 ‘Twas a difficult today all around.
In other news, it’s our last day with the dry lab. Even though it was genuinely an ice box in there, I’m gonna miss it. Here’s a video of us in the dry lab today:
We also had a Beyond the Science lecture (from Mr. Shorey, who is not only a pro Sam’s Club shopper, but also a teacher). We did a fun (debatable, but definitely was interesting) little game where we got assigned different GPAs and other characteristics… iykyk. Here’s a photo of me and Jaya, proof that anyone can make it!!

We had mandatory study hall afterwards to work on our manuscript, but I’m not sure how much work actually got done but that’s ok because we’ll all be productive queens tomorrow.
Signing off for the last time, Dishti