It’s me Manish once again writing the blog. Today was my birthday and so this morning, at 8 o’clock, when I was still sleeping, a whole bunch of people came into my room and just started singing happy birthday and I was so surprised. My roommate was also sleeping and was like what is going on? We’re so confused and I was very shocked and befuddled, and then they told me to go look at the whiteboards outside in the common area. They left a surprise for me there so I went out and saw what you see below. From what I was told, it took a very long time and early awakening in the morning for them to have the time to draw this.
Fortunately, my birthday lined up with our field trip day to the Indiana Dunes State Park on the coast of Lake Michigan. It was an interesting place with nice hiking trails and a cool beach.
We engaged in some Tomfoolery on the beach and committed acts of sand crafting, hole digging, and human burials as shown below.
After the Dunes we came back and had some dinner, and then it was time for a birthday celebration! Mr. Shorey tracked down a great cake selection for us.
Overall, this was a good birthday 😁.
But now it’s time for us to part ways so I’ll end it with…
This is Manish signing off for now!!!!!