Writing, Analysis, and Wet lab: A Dynamic Day – Ameena B.

I cannot believe how quickly time has passed by. I remember just being with my parents, being dropped off in the lobby of Purdue Honors College, and sharing a somewhat tearful goodbye. While SSP has been an incredibly challenging, intense experience, I am so happy to be here learning new things, improving myself, and making connections with other like-minded peers. We are in the final stretch of the SSP experience, analyzing our genomic data, writing our manuscripts, and doing a final few wet labs to solidify our findings. Today, we specifically learned how to write the results section of a scientific paper, prepped for polymerase chain reaction (PCR), listened to a TA lecture from TA Helen, and went to Target to buy some goodies! 

Post Target Picture

In the coming nine days, I look forward to crafting the final manuscript, creating the final poster, and making many positive memories with my fellow participants. I am proud that I had such a productive, fun summer and managed to make the most of things…while also being so far away from my parents and my home. Thank you, SSP! 

About me: 

Hey everyone! I am Ameena and I live in Dubai, U.A.E. I am a big science and math nerd, who also loves to listen to music and try different kinds of cuisines. I am thrilled to be at SSP and have enjoyed broadening my knowledge and skill sets.